Mysportspage has a very intresting offer to sport-federations.
1) They are allowed to publish all their news, events but also their publicity for Free.
2) Mysportspage can play a very important role for you as link between the end-user, their club and you.
We offer direct tailor-made linking, soo that consumers can subscribe automatically to the federations services through the profile of the consumer, but with link to their clubs. Special modules as Ranking, Teams etc... are available.
3) Since Mysportspage has more then 5000 partner companies in Belgium and 3500 in the Netherlands now, we are able to offer a great additional added value to the subscribed members of the federation by giving them for all these partners or a selection of them by you, a reduction platform.
4) Communication, federation may use our platfrom to inform all consumer with an intrest for the federations sport, for free by Email , bannering, eventing and posting their RSS feeds on the main pages as their sportspage. We support you 200% in helping to get the right people informed.